Sunday, 9 June 2013

Filming in Astoria

New york has been the subject of many a famous movie and TV program. There are entire blogs dedicated to the spotting of film crews and stars in the process. It's not often that the film crew comes to you. Although my museum is set in the historical Astoria area (with the building next door still a fully functioning film studio), I was really excited to turn up to work and see an entire film crew outside.

It then dawned on me that not only were they outside, but they were actually using our museum. The show (and I really can't remember what it was as it's a program that I've never heard of before), took the decision to turn our museum into a fake gallery. Even bringing in art work to place inside. My museum has taken inspiration from the film '2001 a space odyssey' with white walls everywhere, this meant they could turn it into anything they wanted. So we became the mythical Gershon Museum, complete with bronze coloured Greek statues.

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