Thursday 31 January 2013


So I've not been very good at this whole keeping in contact with everyone via the blog recently. It has been really cold here making going out and holding a camera with my bare hands rather intolerable. I also just don't want to go out, preferring the comfort of my overly heated apartment to the cold streets. But I shouldn't make excuses, I've been rubbish. It's funny though as I found that I really missed it. Not only as a project but also because some of you do actually read it. Right?

I've been trying to use my left over Polaroid film as I've found that when it stays in the camera it doesn't work. And here is the proof. I've been thinking about the plight of the photographer, forever relegated to the back and never being part of the scene so I thought I'd try a selfie. And the result is this ghost-like image. Kinda like my presence on the blog. Ah see what I did there?!?!?

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