There's no point in going into the whole story when others have done it better here, explaining exactly what this project is all about. The main thing to understand is that it's not for those who want polaroid pictures in the 'shake-it-like-a-polaroid-picture' kind of way. This is for those who love the possibilities that old photography formats offer. Just like still using a film camera and never knowing what your pictures are going to come out like. This is for those who get giddy at the waiting 2-3 days for the results of their film. This is important as their format is not yet perfected. The Impossible team always seem to take the most kick-ass polaroids however for us mere mortals it's temperamental, but when you get a result it's totally worth it. And learning is half the fun. So armed with this I was so excited to go on the NYC Impossible Project's first photo walk. A perfect opportunity to learn and get inspired and also get a tour of our new city.
This was my best shot of the walk by far.
Hispter Dufus with his creation, Photo courtesy of the Impossible Project
And check out this awesome video made by one of the guys that came on the walk. Very happy to have my photo make the cut.
Glad you're already connecting. Now come see us! ;)